Roasted Pumpkin, Feta and Tomato Soup

Okay, we know tomato soup has a bit of a bad reputation, but trust us when we say this Roasted Pumpkin, Feta and Tomato Soup will blow your mind. This bowl of brilliance is ‘Souper’ creamy with the addition of feta. As well as nutritional and immune bolstering with our Chicken Bone Broth Garden Herb. It’s a no-brainer and an easy and delicious way to get some winter warming veggies into your body.



1 whole jap pumpkin

4 large tomatoes or a punnet of cherry tomatoes

1 red onion, quartered

3 cloves of garlic, whole

1 block (200g) danish feta cheese

4 cups water

4 tbsp olive oil 

2 tbsp butter (optional)

Juice of ½ lemon

Fresh thyme

Himalayan Salt 

Cracked black pepper

3 tbsp chopped parsley


To serve: toasted sourdough


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Peel and cut pumpkin and tomatoes into similar size chunks and add to a roasting pan with olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme, onions, garlic and the block of feta cheese.
  3. Roast for 20 minutes.
  4. Transfer everything to a large pot.
  5. Add broth powder and water, mix to combine.
  6. Blitz with a bar mix or very carefully pour all ingredients into a blender and blitz until super smooth. 
  7. Pour back into the pan and simmer gently. Add lemon juice and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately, topped with fresh parsley and crusty sourdough.


Freezes well - just thaw in the fridge for a day or two before reheating


Chicken Bone Broth Garden Herb

Chicken Bone Broth Garden Herb


Beef Bone Broth Concentrate Native Herbs

Beef Bone Broth Concentrate Native Herbs


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